010 editor run script
010 editor run script

010 editor run script 010 editor run script

Clicking on an item on the list usually executes the template but can also be configured to open the template for editing in the interface. (Installed Template List) - Displays the list of installed templates, such as ' BMP', ' ZIP', and ' WAV', sorted by category.Clicking Stop Template stops the Template from executing and resets the Template but does not delete any variables that were created.

010 editor run script

Stop Template - This menu option only appears when a Template is currently running or is paused at a line using the debugger.Note that only one Script or Template can be run at a time and the current Script or Template must be stopped to run another. Clicking continue will resume execution of the Script or Template from the current line. Continue Script or Template - This menu option only appears when a Script or Template is paused at a line using the debugger.Note that other editing operations can be done while a Template is running. The results are displayed either in the Template Results panel below the Editor Window or in the Variables tab of the Inspector (see Working with Template Results for more information). See Running Templates and Scripts for more information. If the current file is a template, clicking the option will execute the template on the selected file. Run Template - If the currently selected file is not a template, clicking the ' Run Template' menu option will run any template that is associated with the current file.Templates can be associated with the current file by using the Run Template menu option or the Run button in the top-right corner of the Template editor. If there is no template associated with the current file, the last accessed template is opened and if no template has been opened you will be asked to create a new template or open an existing template. Edit Template - If the current file has a template associated with it, that template is displayed for editing in the interface.Open Template - Opens a file dialog box to load a Binary Template (usually with file extension ".bt").New Template - Creates a new Binary Template and opens it for editing in the interface.This section lists all available menu options in the Templates menu: The Templates menu allows loading and running Binary Templates (see Introduction to Templates and Scripts). Installing Files on Open from the Repository.Using 010 Editor - Templates and Scripts.

010 editor run script